
Tuberculosis patients at Jalchatra Hospital in Bangladesh

Global engagement:

Promoting innovative and inclusive
approaches to research


Collaborative networks on research funding

ESSENCE on Health Research

ESSENCE is an effort to harmonize internationally-funded research programmes and align them with the priorities of disease endemic countries and the principles of aid effectiveness. While the focus of ESSENCE is on harmonization of research capacity strengthening, by doing so, it contributes positively to the more complex efforts of harmonizing research funding overall.

What has ESSENCE achieved?

inline TextFrame Policy dialogue: Enhanced policy dialogue and strategic collaboration among funders of health research, as well as between funders and recipient countries. The number of ESSENCE member agencies has doubled since its inception.

inline TextFrame Better mechanisms for harmonization and alignment of funders: Developed a new mechanism for reviewing investments in clinical research capacity in low- and middle-

income countries and coordinating capacity strengthening efforts, as recommended by the World Bank and Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation (CEPI). This new mechanism is now being piloted in collaboration with the
WHO Global Observatory on Health R&D and World RePORT.

inline TextFrame Country pilots: Developed country-based pilot models of collaboration between programmes to harmonize practices and optimize resources. In the United Republic of Tanzania, this has led to the development of TASENE - a joint programme of funding between the Netherlands, Sweden
and the United Republic of Tanzania.

inline TextFrame Innovative approaches to optimization of resources: Developed good practice guidance documents that detail successes and failures in strategies, approaches and support for strengthening research capacity. Below are some examples.


Over its ten years of existence, ESSENCE has proven its unique role in facilitating enhanced policy dialogue between the funders of health research. It is unmatched by any other forum or network of funders.”

- Hannah Akuffo
Senior Specialist, Sida, and Co-chair,
ESSENCE Steering Committee

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